Spring’s the perfect time to revitalize your lawn and correct thinning or bare patches. But which grass seed mix should you use? We’re here to answer those questions and help you choose the right turfgrass mixture for your yard!
Types Of Grass Seed

Cool-Season Grass
The first thing you need to know about turfgrass is the two main categories: warm-season grass and cool-season grass. Warm-season grasses include varieties like: St. Augustine grass, centipede grass, Bermudagrass, and Zoysiagrass. They tend to be thicker and popular for their lushness. King of the Hill even had an episode focused on Hank Hill’s dream of having St. Augustine grass coming true. Here in Pennsylvania, we are solidly in the cool-season zone. Therefore, certain mixes will germinate faster and perform better than others. Cool-season grass varietals prefer temperatures between 60 and 75°F and include creeping bentgrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, annual ryegrass, and perennial ryegrass.
Fine Fescue Mix
In contrast to tall fescues, fine fescues have narrower blades. They’re popular for shade grasses, and some homeowners let them grow long for use as an ornamental effect. Like tall fescues, they can tolerate irregular mowing, some shade, and a variety of temperatures. Common varietals include creeping red fescue, chewings fescue, hard fescue, and sheep fescue.
Tall Fescue Grass Seed
Tall fescue grass seed mixes are popular with homeowners who want the look of Kentucky bluegrass without as much maintenance. Originally from Europe, tall fescues have adapted well to our North American climate. They can tolerate damp soil and partial shade, as well as clay or alkaline soil. Tall fescue is medium to dark green in color and will grow in clumps if not mixed in with other varieties. Here at Delaware Valley Turf, we use a variety of fescue mixes to achieve a uniform appearance.
80/20 Tall Fescue Rye Grass
This mixture combines different varieties of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass for a thick, lush lawn that is weather-resistant and tough against foot traffic.
Rebel Exeda
One of our preferred choices to go along with aeration services. Rebel Exeda provides performance as well as aesthetic appeal. Like other tall fescues, it grows densely and produces a lovely dark green shade.
This type of tall fescue is known for its high tolerance to drought and foot-traffic.
Sought after for its rich green color and fine texture. Like the other tall fescue varieties we’ve named, it’s tolerant of traffic stress, drought, heat, and even resistance to insect activity.
Tri Ryegrass
Perennial ryegrass is an excellent varietal to have in your grass seed mixture because it tolerates the most wear of any cool-season grass plus high foot traffic. It can tolerate partial shade but prefers sunnier areas. It also germinates quickly, so if you want faster results this spring, consider this blend. The blend we use at Delaware Valley Turf combines three hardy strains to keep your lawn looking great all season long.
How To Plant Grass Seed

Once you’ve decided on the best blend for your yard, you should consider the following steps.
Overseeding your yard is fine, but if your soil is heavily compacted, the seed may not successfully take root in your lawn. Soil compaction happens over time as thatch builds up. It causes the turf to become hard and makes it difficult for sunlight, air, water, and nutrients to make their way to the plant roots. Most lawns could benefit from good aeration in the spring or fall, especially if you need to overseed a larger area. In fact, aeration and overseeding go hand-in-hand because the aeration process opens up the soil and makes it more receptive to seeds. Consider hiring a professional lawn care company to perform this vital service, so your lawn has the best chance possible.
Protect And Cover
If needed, use a grass seed mat. It’s made from high-grade straw and will protect the seeds from birds, animals, and too much sun and trap moisture. Your seeds need all the help they can get, and this simple covering will do the trick and naturally break down into mulch as the new lawn takes hold.
Get The Best Selection Of Grass Seed From Delaware Valley Turf
Here at Delaware Valley Turf, we’re pleased to offer our customers not only the best lawn care services but also a vast selection of tools and products, including pre-mixed grass seed. We also offer combination aeration and seeding services to create the optimal environment for newly laid grass seeds to thrive. Get professionally installed turfgrass seed today! Call (610) 328-4170 or contact us using our online form here. Browse our monthly blog for more lawn tips, tricks, and ideas. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook to stay up to date on products, offers, and services!
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