Tis’ the season for outdoor living. That means Pennsylvanians are poised at spending more time outside than in — and who can blame us, the warm yet mild temperatures set the perfect stage for outdoor entertaining, relaxation and family fun. Keep in mind, that when friends arrive for outdoor gatherings,  your lawn is the first area of your property they will see. The condition, color and thickness of your turf will make a lasting first impression.

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With this in mind, if you haven’t already signed up for our lawn care program, there is no time to waste. Delaware Valley Turf Fertilizing can ensure you not only have the greenest, healthiest lawn on the block. We can also ensure your friends and family stay protected from the nuisance of insects such as mosquitoes, ticks and even fleas! Here is the skinny on the services that our currently underway based on the climatic conditions and season:

  • Lawn Care: Right now our lawn care treatment consists of  organic-based fertilizer with pre emergent to feed the grass and protect your lawn from getting invaded with crabgrass throughout the season.  We are also spot spraying weeds that have already germinated.  Signs of weed control can be noticed in as little as 6 hours — WOW!

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  • Lime: Your soil pH should be in the 6.8-7.0 range.  Below 7.0 is acidic and above 7.0 is alkaline.  Most soil in our area is acidic and requires lime applications to increase that number. Delaware Valley Turf Fertilizing can apply lime to ensure your pH stays in check, resulting in healthier soil, lawn and lime inhibits some amount of weed growth too!
  • Weed Control: Spring is by far the best time to control your weeds.  A liquid weed control can control 90-95 percent of your weeds!
  • Flea and Tick Control:  Our flea & tick program consists of granular insecticide  which is applied to control fleas and ticks on your lawn.  As we receive rainfall, our product becomes activated and controls the fleas and ticks in your lawn.  The product has a 60-90 day residual which protects you and your family and your beloved pets.

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  • Mosquito Control: Our mosquito control program involves spraying a combination of a chemical which kills mosquitos and a garlic based product that repels them.  This product is liquid and is applied with a backpack mister.  This product remains effective for 2-3 weeks depending on the amount of rainfall we are receiving.  The more rain, the smaller the window of effectiveness.