Grubs and chinch bugs are two pests that commonly affect lawns in Delaware and Pennsylvania. Both of these insects can cause extensive damage to your turf if they aren't dealt with quickly. However, if you don't know what to look for, it can be hard to tell which of these insects are responsible for causing damage to your lawn. Grubs are tiny, C-shaped insects that feed on the roots of grass. If they infest your lawn, they can sever the connection between the roots of your grass and the soil, causing your grass to die. On the other hand, chinch bugs feed on the actual blades of your grass, sucking the fluids from them, which can result in brown or yellow patches of grass on your lawn. If you suspect either one of these insects has infested your property, then you should reach out to professionals immediately so that they can correctly identify which insect it is and administer the proper treatment.
What are grubs and what kind of damage can they cause?
Grubs are the larvae form of beetles and they have a voracious appetite for the roots of your grass. These pests typically start hatching in late summer or early fall, and they tend to live in the soil underneath your turf where they feed on the roots of your grass. The presence of grubs can be identified by several tell-tale signs such as:
- Your lawn feels spongy when you walk on it because the grubs have chewed through the roots of your grass.
- There are irregular patches of brown or dead grass scattered across your lawn.
- Your lawn lifts up easily like a carpet because it's no longer tethered to the ground.
What are chinch bugs and what kind of damage can they cause?
Chinch bugs are small insects that belong to the family Lygaeidae. These pests feed on the fluids in your grass and obtain them by piercing the grass blades with the mouthparts and then sucking up the fluids. These pests usually become active in mid to late spring, and their presence can be identified by several tell-tale signs such as:
- Yellow patches of dead grass scattered across your lawn.
- Dried-out grass blades that feel crispy to the touch.
If you think your lawn is infested with grubs or chinch bugs, then call pros right away!
Both grubs and chinch bugs can wreak havoc on your lawn if left unchecked. Because of this, you need to take action as soon as possible if you suspect either of these pests has infested your property. You should contact lawn care professionals right away so that they can correctly identify which insect you're dealing with and administer the appropriate treatment. Pros will know exactly what to do to get rid of grubs or chinch bugs and keep them from causing further damage to your lawn.
Call us today to schedule our lawn insect control treatments!
At Delaware Valley Turf, we understand how damaging grubs and chinch bugs can be to your lawn. That's why we offer curative treatments to eliminate these pests. We also offer preventative grub control treatments to help prevent grubs from infesting your lawn in the first place. We offer our lawn insect control treatments to property owners in Wilmington, DE, as well as areas in Pennsylvania, such as Doylestown and Bryn Mawr. Call us today at (610) 328-4170 to schedule our lawn insect control service and let us help you make your grub or chinch bug problem an issue of the past!
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